RIAS: Repeated Invertible Averaging for Surface Multiresolution of Arbitrary Degree


In this paper, we introduce two local surface averaging operators with local inverses and use them to devise a method for surface multiresolution (subdivision and reverse subdivision) of arbitrary degree. Similar to previous works by Stam, Zorin, and Schroder that achieved forward subdivision only, our averaging operators involve only direct neighbours of a vertex, and can be configured to generalize B-Spline multiresolution to arbitrary topology surfaces. Our subdivision surfaces are hence able to exhibit Cd continuity at regular vertices (for arbitrary values of d ) and appear to exhibit C1 continuity at extraordinary vertices. Smooth reverse and non-uniform subdivisions are additionally supported.

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Troy Alderson

Alumni Ph.D. Student

September 2014 - November 2019

Troy was a PhD candidate interested in curve multiresolution frameworks on the surfaces of spheres.